PAC it

Cornerstones of Progressive Achievement

Progressive Achievement Checklist
Monitors and Maintains Forward Progress

Process Adjust Continue
and Modification

Partner Accountability Circuits
Personal Empowerment is a Team Sport

Progressive Achievement Checklist

Progressive Action Checklist
Maintain Forward Progress

Success is the progressive realization of achievement!

Progressive Action Checklist is any “To-do List” that identifies the priority of action steps needed to be completed – as you press forward with your goals and intentions.

Goal – Exercise Example

Progressive Steps to Success

  • Clearly identify your fitness goals
  • Join a gym
  • Get a physical examination.
  • Have a professional trainer design a fitness program.

Perpetual Action Cycles

Perpetual Action Cycles
Make your success a habit.
Habits are to progress as machines are to momentum.

By strategically calibrating our habits, we become the person that can achieve our goals!

These are a list of perpetual action steps that are continuously evaluated and recommitted to over several weeks.

The action steps eventually incorporate themselves into your natural patterns of behavior. The internal stretching of our Comfort Zone.

These actions make habits, habits shape character, character creates our destiny!

PAC for the Weekly Design
PAC for the Weekly Design Example
Business Leads -Weekly Design

Exercise Examples – Perpetual Cycles to Success

  • Two times a week weight training
  • Three times a week – 30 minutes of cardio
  • Two Pilates classes every week

    Transformation is now in motion!

Procedure Awareness Checklist

Procedure Awareness Checklist
Identify Effectiveness Skills Sets – Create Best Practices

This is where we sharpen Skill Sets and Fine-Tune Processes.

These are a list of the activities that will assure the best results in situations where we need to be as effective as possible.

The Best Standard Operating Procedures!

Goal – Exercise Example of a Procedure Checklist for Success

Personal Workout Routine

  1. 30 minutes of cardio on the treadmill
  2. 15 minutes of stretching
  3. Upper body weight training
  4. Lower body weight training
  5. Core development training
  6. 10-minute cool down and stretching

PAC for Successful Networking Events

Perspectives, Attitudes and Commitments

Perspectives, Attitudes and Commitments
Success Mentality – The perspectives, attitudes, and commitments necessary to achieve our goals.

Transform Your Mindset
Life + Perspectives = Your Reality

Thought processes that strengthen our confidence and renew our resolve.
How we think is who we are!

We need to choose those thoughts that empower, inspire, and motivate us to put forth our best to progress and achieve.

Affirmations and Visualizations Impact Belief and Expectations!

Exercise Example Affirmations:
I always enjoy a good workout.
I feel stronger and stronger every day.
I make it to the gym on a regular basis.
My fitness program delivers powerful results!