Visualizations and Affirmations

The greatest computer is the human mind!  Knowing how to proactively encode the data base that controls our thoughts and emotions is essential to our success and happiness. Our mind is our most powerful asset, or it can be our worst enemy! You get to choose and control its programming and results. This workshop teaches how to change patterns of thought to complement the mental direction of our goals.

The greatest computer is the human mind!  Knowing how to proactively encode the data base that controls our thoughts and emotions is essential to our success and happiness. Our mind is our most powerful asset or it can be our worst enemy! You get to choose and control its programming and results. This workshop teaches how to change patterns of thought to complement the mental direction of our goals.

Recommended Meeting Agenda

Prior to Meeting Option

Review the guidelines at the start of each meeting:

Workshop Starters:

Discuss key points of the training information:

Power of Affirmations and Self-Talk

You become what you think about. If you improve the quality of your thinking, you will improve the quality of your life. Our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become. Either you control your attitude, or your attitude controls you. Attitudes are often a habit of thought. Thoughts always precede action, and action precedes results. The right thought patterns are more likely to produce the right results. Therefore, people must think in terms of the solution, not the problem. Thoughts have the potential of creating their physical equivalent; people move in the direction of their thoughts. The minute an idea occurs, the mind cre­ates an image. When the conscious mind becomes aware of something, the subconscious mind wants to attract it, this is called Perceptual Set. For example, the person who wants to lose weight and swears off pizza is likely to think about pizza several times a day. Unfortunately, in everyday language, affirmations aren’t always stated in the positive. Here is a list of the most commonly used negative affirmations.

Often-Used Negative Affirmations

  • It’s going to be another one of those days.
  • It’s just no use.
  • It just won’t work.
  • There’s just no way.
  • Nothing ever goes right for me.
  • I’m so clumsy.
  • I don’t have the talent.
  • I’m just not creative.
  • I can’t seem to get organized.
  • It’s just my luck.
  • I know I’m going to hate it.
  • I can’t seem to lose weight.
  • I never have enough time.
  • I get sick just thinking about it.
  • I lose weight, and then I gain it right back again.
  • Another long Monday.
  • When will I ever learn?
  • Sometimes I just hate myself.
  • I’m just not good at that.
  • I’m too shy.
  • I never know what to say.
  • I never get a break.
  • I’m just not a salesperson.
  • That’s impossible.
  • I always freeze up in front of a group.

Because no two things can occupy the same space at the same time (theory of displacement), the first step is to recognize negative affirmations and eliminate them from our thought process and language. The subconscious mind will focus on and attract things as programmed. I once saw it explained like a bucket filled with water; the bucket is our brain, and the water represents our thoughts. To get a self-defeating, limiting thought out of the mind, a person simply uses displacement, putting another thought in its place. Like stones heaped next to the bucket, new thoughts (with affirmations and visualizations) can be dropped in one by one, until negative thoughts (the water) have been displaced.

Twenty Characteristics of the Subconscious Mind

  1. It is obedient to your thinking.
  2. It does not reason or question your command.
  3. It does all healing of the body.
  4. It will produce what you program into it.
  5. It files and remembers every experience of your life.
  6. It controls all functions of the body.
  7. The greater your belief in it, the better and easier it works.
  8. It never judges good or bad, right or wrong; it only obeys.
  9. It works 24 hours a day, your entire life.
  10. It can be programmed from an outside source.
  11. It sends answers, sometimes through hunches.
  12. It is the master mechanic of your body.
  13. It is a creature of habit.
  14. It is programmed by the spoken word, thoughts and mental pictures.
  15. It regulates your energy level,
  16. It works much better when order and peace prevail.
  17. It zeroes in on all goals and objectives.
  18. It is oblivious of time and space; it does not know time. Only you know time. You set the timelines.
  19. It is completely impersonal.
  20. The better you understand it, the better it works.

Rules for Affirmations

The following guidelines can be helpful in writing affirmations for success:

  1. Include the first-person pronoun, “I.”
  2. Write affirmations in the present tense.
  3. State them positively.
  4. Keep them realistic and specific.

Examples of Positive Affirmations:

  • I radiate strength and purpose.
  • I am patient with those around me.
  • I constantly improve the quality of each focus area in my life.
  • I am a great pro with super confidence.
  • I am a superstar in life.
  • I show warmth and concern to those I meet.
  • I have a magnetic strength when I speak.
  • I create a positive and loving home environment.
  • I help people to be fulfilled and happy.
  • I have an excellent, free-flowing memory with clear and easy recall.
  • I am a confident and effective decision maker.
  • I recommit to my goals until I get the results I want.
  • I have unlimited inner strength.
  • I have a relaxed and warm outward personality.
  • I am honest with others and myself.
  • I consistently plan my work.
  • I am proactive in my behavioral patterns.
  • I plan ahead to get ahead.
  • I develop behavioral patterns that complement my goals.
  • I use each minute before it disappears forever.
  • I keep productive work available for free moments.
  • I achieve the desired result with a minimum of time and energy.
  • I am well organized in every phase of my life.
  • I treat problems as opportunities to grow and be creative.
  • What I choose to start, I choose to finish.
  • I have a constant flow of new and positive ideas.
  • I possess an abundant supply of energy and draw upon it at will.
  • I am an excellent speaker, well prepared in my presentations.
  • I am completely at ease in front of any group.
  • I am easily able to relax and enjoy my free time.
  • I identify and modify any weaknesses I may have.
  • I meet people easily and enjoy each new association.
  • I take pride in a job well done.
  • I concentrate effectively on my goals and get results.
  • My energetic starts make me an achiever.

After choosing the affirmations to work with, place them on separate index cards and display them in locations where you can see them every day, like the bathroom mirror or car dashboard. It is also helpful to say them aloud as often as possible or to record and listen to them at least once a day. Affirmations then become a major part of your life thought process. They wrap your mind and emotions around new attitudes, beliefs and expectations. What seems difficult and unrealistic now will one day become natural and automatic.

Targets for Visualization

Take time every day to visualize the way you want your life to go.  See it done and feel it completed.  Allow your mind to rehearse procedures and events until they are clear and comfortable.

Suggestions to follow:

  • Mentally rehearse the day ahead of you.
  • Mentally rehearse working through complicated procedures.
  • Mentally rehearse presentations and interviews.
  • Mentally rehearse handling stressful situations in a positive, professional manner.
  • Mentally rehearse for competition.
  • Mentally rehearse being a winner.