Stretch Your Imagination
Imagination creates visualized goals, and no person can be any greater than their own personal vision for themselves! Which ones do you want to add to your list of possibilities?
What habits would you like to develop?
What habits would you like to break?
What personality trait would you like to develop?
When would you like to travel?
What hobbies would you like to begin?
What specific improvements in your physical condition would you like to make?
How would you want to give back to your community?
What image would you like to communicate to others?
What are some activities you would like to do for fun?
What spiritual goals would you like to obtain?
How much money would you like to earn?
How much money would you like to save?
What things do you want to remove from your life?
What are your most important goals in:
Family, Spiritual, Health and Education?
What is the single most important goal you would like to see accomplished in your life in the next two years? Something so important you can’t leave it to chance.