Re-Attack It!
The Decision to Commit and Recommit
Re-Adjust * Re-Commit * Re-launch!
A commitment is a pledge or a promise.
The moment a commitment is made energy seems to shoot in the direction of that decision. Intentions are honorable, and expectations are high. So, what happens to that commitment over a period of time?
When it comes to commitment, one big one rarely gets the job done.
Many people stall as they progress toward the achievement of their goals because they set goals without first making a total commitment to doing what it takes to bring them to completion.
The goals linger somewhere between creation and completion. They are dreamed about, talked about, and sometimes even bragged about, but often we just don’t finish the job.
With commitment on our side when we encounter problems and setbacks, we are constantly looking for a way to solve any problem. With commitment, we look for a way through rather than a way out.
They say a good metaphor that denotes the difference between a contribution and commitment is looking at a breakfast of bacon and eggs. Keep in mind the chicken made a contribution to that breakfast — but the pig made the commitment!
Forward momentum keep Spears moving toward the target.
The two most common mistakes we make when dealing with commitment is first, we take the commitment too lightly. Then we lose the personal power that commitment offers.
The second most common mistake is not to recommit often enough to sustain momentum and build the circumstances needed to complete the goal.
Nothing takes the wind out of our sails faster than realizing, over a period of time, that we lost the power and enthusiasm needed to achieve the goal we were at one time so excited about.
We look for reasons or excuses that enable us to not follow through with our commitment. This is all totally unnecessary. It is perfectly natural to lose focus and attention on a new process or behavior. We just need to know what to do about it when it happens.
The key to commitment is re-commitment
We need to be able to start over often enough to stretch our behavior, awareness, characteristics, and habits.
The SPEAR Success System is a system of re-commitment, progress, and continuous momentum toward worthwhile and predetermined personal goals.
These commitments may come in the form of isolated accomplishments or progressive positive change in behavior patterns.
A routine cycle of reevaluation and recommitment is the way to do it.
The more frequently we reevaluate and recommit, the faster we move along in our growth process.
Weekly seems to be the key. Once a week presents a new opportunity to identify progress, address weaknesses and redirect weekly efforts.
Concentration levels seem to diminish if we wait any longer to adjust and refocus.
Those who evaluate and recommit on a weekly basis, progress much more quickly than those who only evaluate and recommit monthly.