Take Action!
Your Life is Worth it!

They may be member to member created and supported or be created and facilitated by a System Navigator specializing in specific areas of achievement or transformation (Effectiveness Workshops)

Power Circuits enable members to navigate their way to predetermined destinations and to progressively transform themselves, their circumstances, and their life.

They are designed to keep generating a forward motion, allowing for needed adjustments and course corrections to take place for members to progress and achieve.

They may last for one meeting or go as long as a four-week succession of meetings. After that time, each participant can choose to continue the present PC or connect to another circuit.

Power Circuits are interchangeable and keep evolving on daily, weekly, and monthly cycles as the progress and growth of goals are strategized, acted upon, and achieved.

  • Review the “Tactical Accountability” worksheet against last week’s goals and objectives.
  • Members develop and announce what your progressive and perpetual action steps will be for the following week.
  • Feedback and suggestions from participants should be welcome during the meeting.
  • Commit to your highest priority action items such as your “crawl over broken glass” to report back on at the next meeting.