Recent ADI Testimonials

“I joined Achievement Dynamics Institute in 1989, and my life was forever changed. From the vast array of their Empowerment Workshops, to meeting so many amazing people all moving in the same direction, I began to see myself and my life differently. At that time my personal life was in a major transition, the ADI Empowerment Program offered insights and solutions that enabled me to move forward.  I learned how to implement their goal setting process and quickly saw results which prompted me to teach others the process. I can honestly say, who I am today is a direct result of the foundational training that I received at Achievement Dynamics Institute. Napoleon Hill was correct when he said: “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve!”
Tanya Norwood
Business Owner, Speaker, Author

“Mario’s relationship with the Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey is our top success story. Not only has he been an active member for 40-years, but he is also one of the most successful Chamber members in history at working a room, building sustainable relationships and generating business for himself and those he meets. A quintessential connector with a knack for understanding a client’s needs and identifying creative ways to work together – Mario is simply the BEST!”
Christina M. Renna
President & CEO
Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey

“The Achievement Dynamic’s Empowered to Succeed program gives our entire team the tools and perspectives to master anything we put our mind and efforts toward. We now know how to build any goal and construct the skills and habits to bring them into reality. The collaboration component will enable us to keep adding to our success for years to come.”
Mark Cook
Managing Director | Private Wealth Advisor
Cook Legacy Advisors

“We at the Camden County Family Support Organization have had the pleasure to work with Mario and Renee Pinardo over the years, helping us to train and empower our staff and clientele. Their expertise on Communication and Team Empowerment continues to make a positive impact long after the training is completed. We look forward to continuing our long-standing relationship and highly recommend their programs to organizations looking to reach more of their full potential!”
Audrey Hvizdos
Executive Director
Camden County Family Support Organization

“I have had the fortunate opportunity to work with Achievement Dynamics Institute and Mario Pinardo over the past 10 years.
Achievement Dynamics Institute has curated the best systems and content that get results. Whether you are an individual or an organization seeking greater results, have a well document system is no longer an option. As we move forward into the future we need systems that work! This is it! As a former sales professional of 19 years, I have seen all kinds of systems. I highly recommend Achievement Dynamics Institute and Mario Pinardo.”
With Empowerment,
Austin James Haines
Poet – Author – Orator

“Your organization has provided me and my clients with powerful tools to be self-aware and to help us achieve goals in every area of life! Your success system builds belief and confidence in who we are and what we can achieve, integrating one’s unique skills, abilities, interests. Thank you for creating Achievement Dynamics! It is an inspiration to all.”
Nina Blair, MBA
Success Coach and Mentor
Social and Emotional Learning Professor

“I recommend the Achievement Dynamics Success System to anyone who is looking to not only grow their business, but also expand the quality of their life in every direction!”
Jon Pinsky
Executive Outside Sales Consultant

“Working with Mario Pinardo and Achievement Dynamics has helped me in numerous ways.  The Achievement Dynamics website contains a step-by-step practical guide to improve productivity and organization.   Mario is an expert in teaching how to succeed both personally and professionally!  I highly recommend reaching out to Mario and implementing the Achievement Dynamics methods for success. “
Frankie Patterson
Publisher -Cherry Hill Neighbors Magazine

“I have had an excellent experience so far with Mario Pinardo and Achievement Dynamics.  Mario is a wealth of knowledge and is extremely supportive and there is so much helpful information on the website.  The process is well defined and simple to follow through each of the three phases.  I am most looking forward to connecting with others that have completed this important inner work in Phase Three – To support and inspire one-another”
Anne Casey
Currency Trade Systems

Testimonials Throughout the our 40 years!

“I would like to take this opportunity to applaud and commend Achievement Dynamics for having such an outstanding product and service. I have used and enjoyed the benefits of the programs and highly recommend them to anyone who is sincere about reaching even greater levels of success in their business and personal lives.”
Doug Heir, 1985 – Douglas Heir, Esq
National World and Gold Medal Olympic Champion

“While I was already a high achiever, I know that the program is enabling me to reach even greater heights. One of the aspects of the program that is particularly important to me is that emphasis is placed on each part of an individual’s life, not just on the financial and career portions of one’s life. Often busy professionals lose sight of the other facets of life such as family, social, and cultural, and thus become somewhat narrow.”
Cynthia S. Jenkins, 1986 – Jenkins and Jerkins Attorneys at Law

“I just want to let you know what I think of your program. Just like everyone else, my skepticism was very apparent before I got happily involved in the opportunity that has resulted in my overall success. Specifically, what helped me the most was setting realistic goals and achieving them. It showed me how to stop spinning my wheels and to go forward with my life. After being involved with Achievement Dynamics for a year I made more money than I ever made in my life. It was my desire and your techniques that enabled me to do this. Mario, I recommend this program to anyone who has a sincere desire to go forward, in all aspects of life.”
David M. Steinbrecher, 1987 – Reliant Communications, Inc.

“Since starting with Achievement Dynamics last march I have catapulted to the second position in an office up over thirty agents, I even earned a paid expensive trio to Rome to attend a world conference, for being one of the top producers in the United States. I recommend your program to anyone who is seriously interested in reaching their maximum potential”.
Mathilda B. Short, 1989 – The Prudential

“Last march when we met, my branch was coming at only 70% of our quota. In August we were the top producers out of eight branches of Dupli-Fax. Th first quarter of 1990 we were the #1 branch doing 129% of our quota. Mario, thanks again for all your help. I know we would not have accomplished the goals we have if it wasn’t for your program.”
Terry McGovern, 1990 – Dupli-fax the Office Automation People

“I was unemployed at the time, trying to make a go of running my own company in the residential building field. It’s now a mere two- and one-half years later. I am proudly the president of my own corporation, earning a very respectable salary that exceeds what was once nothing more than a desire. My vacation home in the Poconos, and my boat on the Chesapeake Bay, are now also a reality. Most of all, I feel happy. Not so much for the material things I’ve obtained, but for the fact that I believe whatever I choose to achieve, is with my reach.” I am sure it goes without saying that I would highly recommend this program to anyone at any stage of life and can only feel saddened for those who think they don’t need it.”
Vincent Testa, 1990 – VTC Building Corporation

“I wanted to drop you a line to let you know how beneficial your training has been to our Purchasing Department. As a result, we have become a more cohesive team and are communicating more effectively. Sometimes it takes an outside force to motivate people and get them on the right track. I believe you are doing that for our team.”
Joan J. Broglin, 1995 – Mellon Bank

“Since incorporating my “real estate investing education programs”, with your SMI material the success ratio has risen to a near 90% level for those who use it. For anyone wishing to become successful in whatever they desire the empowerment program is he way to accomplish it.”
Wm. G. Becker, 1996 – The Becker Organization, Inc.

“In just 90 days after becoming a client, my business increased 40% and continues to increase monthly. Thanks to Achievement Dynamics, the sky’s the limit!”
Bill Scanlon, 1997 – Franklin Insurance, Million Dollar Producer

“I must admit, I was a little skeptical at first about the concept of empowerment training, but I can certainly argue with the results we have seem, every one of my dozen salespeople who has participated in your program continue to rave about its success not only in business life but in their personal life as well. Whitin two months our sales production was up 52%.”
Russell J. Swanson, 1997 – Swanson Communications

“Since the very first meeting with you I saw an instant improvement in company morale which in turn led to an automatic increase in our daily productivity. Through using your program our team conflict has been reduced substantially. We have learned how to master team and management goal setting. Many of us have also seen significant progress on strengthening and solidifying our personal ambitions as well.”
AnneLea Gutos, 1997 – USA Phone Center

“In February of 1996 I became a client of Achievement Dynamics Institute. I was a middle-of-the-road producer within my sales team. By the end of 1996, my income was greater than the rest of the sales force combined, and I was promoted to District Manager.”
“Seeing my immediate success with Achievement Dynamics, I encouraged my sister Vickie to take your program. In the one year since she joined, she has doubled her salary!”
Robert Wonderlin, 1997 – Vista the Intelligent Alternative

I thought you would like a little feedback on the results of your empowerment system. You were mistaken when you said to expect a 50% in sales production. I just reviewed my stats for the year, and sales have jumped an incredible 127% from last year’s pace, starting the very month after we completed your training.
Our company has always believed in motivation, training, and team building. It felt like we did it all. We never realized there was something called “empowerment”. What a difference this system makes. Everyone has plenty of great ideas. Thank you for showing us how to take our knowledge how and imagination and put it into effective and consistent action.”
Daniel Banfe, 2001 – Banfe Products

“Achievement Dynamis has presented a format for progress, growth, and change. Using the tools on a week-to- week basis gives me a customized process to progressively reach all my goals and objectives. The bottom line is I have less stress and make more money. I also have taken advantages of the power team development for on- going support.”
Brian McCormick, 2002 – Infinity Title Agency, Inc.

“I am happy to report that this group of professionals have never been more organized, energized, and empowered to succeed than they are today – to say nothing of the camaraderie that has been realized in taking this journey together.”
Linda C. Rooney, 2002 – J.S Hovnanian and Sons Builders, inc.

“Our main purpose for pursuing this program was to find a way to make our company more organized, motivated, and profitable. Throughout the course of our meetings, we have created a more efficient way to organize the flow of work throughout the entire company. We have learned to identify areas that we are weak in and find ways to make improvements. Our employees are more motivated to set and achieve goals at weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly intervals.
Susan J. Cox, 2002 – William C. Cox Inc. Constructions

“When I started the program in February of this year, you helped me establish a challenging but exiting set of goals to strive for in 2002. I am happy and amazed that I accomplished all those achievements and then some by August 1st. I would never have believed it was possible if I hadn’t done it myself. I have also been making nice progress in my personal life. Even my wife and daughter have jumped into the process.”
Peter J. Rubino, 2003 – P and M Painting by Design

“In reviewing the performance of each representative involved in your program what I discovered was nothing less than astonishing. Our two most improved produces increased their productivity 143% and 93% over the last year, they both credited Achievement Dynamics for their improved success.”
“I found your program enables me to take all my years of experience and helped me achieve better results. Mario’s program has a proven track record.”
Drew Braun, CUL Managing director, 2005 – Northwest Mutual Financial Network

School based Programs -80s and 90s

“In February and March of 1986 Mario Pinardo of Achievement Dynamics, conducted weekly success workshops at Camden High School. Two of my classes, approximately 52 students were entered into the program.
While going over the results of the year end grades, I noticed that 70% of students involved in the program had increased their grade point average.
I attributed this success rate to the workshops conducted by Mr. Pinardo and the methods he used gave students a more positive self-image and taught them how to use more of their potential for personal achievement.”
William M. Heine, 1986 – Camden Hight School

“I feel it’s an excellent program I have been more motivated myself to achieve personal short-range goals and am now setting long-range goals. The teachers are very excited about applying the lessons to their personal lives, as well as teaching their students.”
“I feel it will help inner-city youth. The 1986 workshops really made an impact. Those students carried the lessons into their work world which is very important.”
Karen James, 1986 – Coordinator at Camden High

“Your workshops and personalized training sessions for our staff have been a major force in establishing a Goal Setting/Self- Esteem Workshop in the West Deptford School District. We are now ready to present training and support system for all staff members, students, and parents who want to develop positive goal setting habits.”
George P. Faunce, 1990 – West Deptford Township Public School

“The program affects everyone differently and lets you proceed at your own pace. The teachers work on the program individually and then apply it in the classroom where it helps them become better teachers. Mario has a very positive way with people.”
Cy Bleistein Vice, 1993 – Principal at Bishop Eustace

“Teachers who took the Ten Step course wrote letters of recommendation and student’s ratings of the workshops were high.” Mario at first had convinced me that he was totally committed. He has a sincere interest in working with the schools and has followed through extensively.”
Dr. Barry Ersek, 1993 – Superintendent at Haddonfield Hight School