Building Your Self-Concept
Interactive Workshop on Building Your Self-Concept©
It’s been said that success is an inside job. A clear and strong self-concept is one of our most valuable assets. This awareness enables us to identify important components for life’s decision making. Discover how to strengthen the three levels of your self-concept that supports everything we say and do and enables us to boost confidence and self-esteem; clarifying personal identity to enhance self-awareness. Overcome the fear of rejection and boost the courage of your convictions. Empower yourself with the knowledge of who you are!
Recommended Meeting Agenda
Prior to Meeting Option
Choose a Workshop Organizer to review the guidelines, keep the discussion on track and evenly distribute time for sharing between participants.
Review the guidelines at the start of each meeting:
- Learn from the past but don’t dwell on it. Keep it “Now and Next”.
- Complaining and blaming is a waste of time. Positive interactions only.
- Practice confidentiality as a respect to other members.
- Be discreet with sensitive information.
- No political posturing. Please don’t use Achievement Dynamics to air your political views.
- Refrain from small talk during workshops to keep a constructive purpose to conversation.
Workshop Starters:
- Introduce yourself and share what you hope to achieve through this workshop?
Discuss key points of the training information:
- Hi-light key points of the workshop and discuss how they are relevant to your situation.
- How would these ideas impact your business or the quality of your life?
- Feel free to add any additional ideas or suggestions to the discussion.
- Choose the action steps and perspectives (Strategic Options) from this workshop that will increase your personal effectiveness moving forward.
- How are you going to integrate these Strategic Options into your weekly Power Circuit?
How to Strengthen Our Self-Concept
Self-understanding goes a long way in identifying what we want from life; which enables us to choose the most effective paths to that reality. Becoming consciously aware of who we are helps us clarify our sense of purpose and brings enthusiasm and commitment to our life goals.
By identifying the three levels of our self-concept we unscramble our thinking and can better understand who we are and how to best apply our talents and abilities.
Three Levels of Self-Concept
Level 1: True Self-Concept
Creating a clearer understanding of our true self will get us in touch with the things that make the ultimate difference in our life decision making. Having a strong self-concept is one of our greatest assets!
Our true self is comprised of our values, priorities, our sense of purpose and just being aware of the goals and experiences that will bring us maximum rewards.
How to identify our True-Self
Categorize the major areas of your life and for each one identifies major goals, values and priorities.
Look at each of those areas and evaluate what you believe your purpose may be.
Level 2: Inferred Self-Concept
The inferred self involves more of our personality traits.
These are assessments people make about us after having the time to experience our temperament and personality. They may include our charm (or lack of it), our character and our disposition.
What others infer about us will evolve in due time as they get to know us better. For example; a shy person who over time develops trust in your friendship may open up to you – allowing you to see more of their true self.
People may display different sides of their personalities depending on the type of company that surrounds them. We learn to adapt our style to what we feel may be appropriate at that given time.
Many times, personality traits alone may send the wrong message. People may misinterpret a part of our personality and make a misjudgment.
An introverted person may be misconstrued as not a “people person” though he or she may have a tremendous love and respect for others.
People with an offbeat sense of humor may come off as someone not serious about life but nothing may be further from the truth.
Many clergies insist on pre-marital counseling before the wedding to make sure couples have a compatible true-self. They know the number one cause of divorce is when true selves are incompatible.
It is valuable to have friends recollect their first impression of you at the time of your first meeting. We could use this information to identify our strengths and potential weaknesses in our communication or “miss-communication” to others to minimize the chance of sending wrong messages.
How to identify our Inferred-Self
Make a list of how you feel others perceive you when you first met them. Ask your friends and acquaintances what their first impression of you was at that time and how has that impression evolved over time.
It may be interesting to find if there are any major differences from their previous perception verses the current reality.
Level 3: The Extended Self-Concept
The extended self is superficial in dimension. It never really goes beyond the labels people consciously or unconsciously extend to other people.
These labels can be anything someone chooses to quickly and easily identify and judge us by association. Often, it’s the most visible first impression.
Some examples of the extended self are our sex, age, race, height and weight. It can also extend into other areas such as our job title, education and political party.
People form opinions of us before learning more about who we really are. They have a concept based on their own experiences, prejudices and limitations. These opinions can be positive or negative.
What comes to your mind when you think of a college student…salesperson…corporate executive…or that guy with no shirt and a big “D” on his chest at football games?
We would obviously do ourselves a great disservice if we took any of these opinions to heart. These opinions have so little to do with our true selves and what our lives are really all about.
Unfortunately, the less we understand who our true selves are the more we get caught up in the distortions of other people’s opinion. By identifying the three levels of our self-concept we can prevent that loss and give ourselves the confidence we need to succeed in our goals.
How to identify our Extended-Self
Make a list of all the labels others associate with your identity.