The Goal Setting Myth
We’ve been told time and time again that if you want to be successful, goal setting was the way to get there. We’ve also been told along with this that if you are not making the progress that you would like or are not capable of achieving your goals, it is because your goals were not clearly defined in the beginning.
These statements were usually backed up by the fact that if you take the time to survey the people that are successful and asked each one how they did it, the common denominator would be that they had written down their goals along the way. So, you think there you have it: the secret to success must be goal setting.
However, you are sure to find that a very small percentage of written goals are actually achieved. Setting goals is the easy part, it is achieving those goals that ends up being the hard part.
Where we get into trouble with this idea of success coming from goal setting is when we think and become focused on the idea that goal setting is working for everyone else but us. It is often times then that you start to feel like that problem must be you personally. This thought process affects our belief system and our self-esteem, which can freeze us in our tracks, preventing us from achieving goals we have set and from going after more rewarding, but challenging personal achievements too.
Do not get me wrong, goal setting is part of the answer, but it is far from the total solution.
Many of us have a sincere desire to achieve new levels of improved results, whether those goals lie in our careers, finances, health, fitness, and even personal relationships. These goals may be for personal improvement or necessary professional advancements. It’s heartbreaking when people take the time to set goals but keep coming back to square one of just writing them down instead of creating a whole, dynamic plan involving many different ways to experience breakthroughs, reach those new heights of success, and have the staying power to keep on going.
There’s on old Chinese proverb that says…
“A man can stare at a map for several years.
but gets no closer to his destination until he starts walking in that direction.”